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put (something) on the long finger definition, put (something) on the long finger meaning | English dictionary

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long finger


put (something) on the long finger            (Irish)   to postpone (something) for a long time  
English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus  
1    an unspecified or unknown thing; some thing  
he knows something you don't, take something warm with you     
2    something or other   one unspecified thing or an alternative thing  
3    an unspecified or unknown amount; bit  
something less than a hundred     
4    an impressive or important person, thing, or event  
isn't that something?     
5    to some degree; a little; somewhat  
to look something like me     
6    foll by an adj  
Informal   (intensifier)  
it hurts something awful     

      n combining form  
a    a person whose age can be approximately expressed by a specified decade  
b    (as modifier)  
the thirtysomething market     
     (C20: from the US television series thirtysomething)  

English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus  

Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition
in American English, 'dirt' is what British people call 'soil' ('put some dirt in a plant pot'). In British English, dirt has the connotation of being dirty ('you've got some dirt on your shoe')
1: to have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming (something implied or inferred); also: claim. 2: intend, purpose
make an obscene and offensive gesture at someone by closing one's fist and extending one's middle finger upwards, interpreted as"Sod off!"; [US] flip (sb) off / flip (sb) the bird
Ex.: he has an unfortunate tendency and somewhat dangerous habit of giving the finger to motorists who cut in front of him.
to pay close attention to (someone or something)
put a stop to something
to subject (an industry) to a business model in which services are offered on demand through direct contact between a customer and a supplier, usually via mobile technology
[Bus.] From the taxi company 'Uber', which pioneered this business model
In computer science, the File Allocation Table (FAT) is a file system popularized by Microsoft in the 1980's in their earliest computers. The FAT file system has continued to be developed and now comes in multiple varieties such as FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and ExFAT.
[Tech.];[Comp.] Look at that floppy disk, see if it is formatted with the FAT file system.
adv. adj.
looking good; having a look that was obviously well taken care of.
e.g a very well put together woman (adj.) You look well put together (adj.)
scallion (synonym)
(metaphorically) die
small handbag without handles
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